Hey Jont, Did not think it would be appropriate to call this late. Attached is the README.txt file that was promised. I'm not sure if you've seen the news the last couple days but Austin and the surrounding area has been storming/flooded all weekend. I didn't have phone service Saturday Afternoon to Sunday and just got the ability to use the internet last night. From your previous email you wanted to know how to generate the PeConRD_logy.eps figures. The files are actually labeled as IErrorRD_logy.eps and FErrorRD_logy.eps. To generate this at line 850 set conRank = 1. of entropyAnalysis.m This will generate all of the consonant Rank images that you need. The catch is they will be located in the RankFigs2 directory. I renamed the directory for debugging purposes and never ended up changing it to just simply RankFigs. Hopefully this answers your most immediate questions. But as always you can email me any additional questions. I believe the README should adequately describe how to work through the code. In addition I've attached the '.m' file "stackedBarAnalysis.m" that is used to generate the Stacked Bar graphs. At this point I still have yet to make any changes to rearrange the order or the consonants by sound family. This has actually a lot more work than was initially thought due to the fact that all of the matrices have been arranged in the current order and I have yet to be able to re-index all of this date just to generate one figure. Jonathan On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 8:58 PM, Jont Allen wrote: > jont -- Jonathan Buie Electrical Engineering Major| Class of 2014 Minor in Mathematics Undergraduate Advisor | National Society of Black Engineers Immediate Past President | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. cell: 618-979-8389 | buie1@illinois.edu