Dear students, This is an important update re 298CLA for Fall 2021: There are 34 students registered in the class, approximately evenly split between inclass and online. There are some of you who just registered so I will summarize the state of things. I will continue to update this document. It is posted at the top of the class webpage (see below). It has been a rough startup, and I hope you do not give up in despair. The problems will be resolved soon. Here is a detailed summary of what happened so far: ========================= LECTURES: ========================= Lec 1 was not recorded due to a misunderstanding about our room, which was switched from 3017 to 2015. I was unaware that the room had been moved, so this caused some very poor coordination and communication, and is why the lecture was not recorded. That lecture was not critical because I mostly gave a sales pitch about the utility of the course material. Lec 2 was recorded but not streamed. The recording is now on the website. ========================= VIDEOS: ========================= The 360 videos are on the class webpage in the "weekly" (MWF) sections. For example, the video for Lecture 3 is The actual link is "Lec3-360.F21 @6:20". The "@6:20" means the lecture starts 6 mins and 20 seconds into the video. ========================= CLASS WEBPAGE: ========================= Lec 2 video ========================= TEXT: ========================= If you go to the website you can download the text. There is a short (abridged) version and the full book. Look at last semesters website if a link is missing. A paper copy is available from the stockroom for $20. The hard-copy of the book is close to $100 from Springer, and is available online from amazon. Google "An Invitation to Mathematical Physics and Its History book review" Lec 3 we moved to Grainger Auditorium to get a better recording process using Echo 360. It worked but there are some issues. I suspect the reliability will be poor due to the complexity of setting up 360 in that classroom. For a much better experience I recommend you come to class rather than watching the live 360 stream. ========================= HOMEWORK: ========================= If you don't do the homework, and will not do well on the exams. We grade the HW, but your grade in the course only weakly (10%) depends on the HW. This is because I hand out the solution the day or so before it is due. This has been established as a good thing to do, from a learning point of view. You should try do do the homework without use of the solution, but if you simply don't know what to do, look for hints in the solution, and then go to the solution. DO NOT copy the solution to your homework. If you do we can give you negative points. You must use your own words. Make the answer in your own words. The final deadline for the HW is a few days before the exam, so you can hand it in late for full credit. ========================= EXAMS: ========================= The exams consist mostly (90%) of HW problems. There is no open book, and you will have as much as 3 hrs to do the exam. Some of you will do the exam in 1 hr, and most in 2, and a small number will take the full 3 hrs. A report showing the grades for previous years is available to anyone who asks. I have not posted it (I thought I had, but it seems I didn't). Look at the old 298CLA websites on the website and you will likely find these documents. ========================= GRADESCOPE: ========================= Both the HW and the EXAMs are pre-formatted with room for you to write your answer. You must write on the HW or EXAM. You can download the paper copy from GRADESCOPE and print it out, and then write you answer on the space provide, or in the wide margins at the top and bottom of the pages.